Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Steamed veggies with flavored rice and homemade tomato salsa (vegan)

This is something that I wanted to test out, it turned out great! This is what you need 


Start with putting the rice to boil. I added thyme and a bit of lemon juice to the water along with some salt. Then just follow the instructions on the package for how to boil the rice. Peel the carrots and cut them up to your liking and put them in your steamer together with the rest of the veggies. cut the chili into pieces, removing the seeds and place them with the rest of the veggies in the steamer over some boiling water with salt. Let them steam for about 10-15 minutes depending on how soft you want the carrots and the other veggies. 

To make the salsa you need 
1-2 tomatoes
spring onions
a tiny bit of sugar
lemon juice
and olive or any other vegetable oil

Cut the tomatoes and the spring onion into small pieces and put them in a bowl together with the restof the ingrediens and then mix well.

Place the rice and the steamed veggies. I places the chili on the rice for some garnish and to add flavor. Add the salsa to the plate and enjoy a fully vegan dinner.
Super yummy!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Yogurt with berries

Lately I've been swamped in school but in my absence I've been enjoying some light lunches and dinners. This is a popular one, you see it on instagram and other sites and it's really easy actually. There are several variations of this and it all depends on what fruits and berries you like. I used this:

chia seeds

Just slice the fruits and add them to the yogurt. you can use apples, pears, other kinds of berries and other fruits. I find bananas to be one of my favorites. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sweetpotato and chicken wrap

This recipe started out as an experiment, I'm just happy I shot the pictures so that I could post this right away. I wanted to make a wrap, but while I was making this I was thinking to myself that... naah this can't be a wrap because it's basically like a regular meal? But then I did some more thinking and thought that regular wraps that you buy off the store is like a sallad wrapped in a bread of some sort. Anyway, this is what you need: 

1 tortillia bread or any other bread you'll like
1 chicken breast
½ sweet potato
½ tomato
1 avocado
orange paprika
lime juice
greek yoghurt
spring onions for garnish

Start by slicing everything into thin slices, season the chicken or marinate it if you want to, depending on what kind of flavour that you'll want. I decided to marinate mine for about 10 min with some soy, oil, hoisin sauce and some spices like black pepper and chili. When you've done that fry the chicken in some oil until it's done, mine took only a couple of minutes on medium/high heat. 

After that add some more oil to the pan, you don't have to clean it in-between since the spices of the chicken can give some seasoning to the potato as well. Add the potato to the oil and fry them on medium/high heat as well. If you cut the slices too thick you might have to blanch them for a minute or so before doing this, otherwise they won't be cooked through

After that just add everything onto your flat bread of choice and mash the avocado on top, add some yoghurt and and garnish with some spring onion. Enjoy a fresh really tasty and healthy wrap! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Creamy pasta with pesto

This was a request from a friend of mine! I posted a picture of this the other day and I decided why not, it's a really simple recipe! This is what you need: 

2-3 mushrooms, depending on size
2 tbsp crème fraiche
2 tbsp pesto
pasta for one

Begin with putting some water in a pot on the stove for the pasta, and then boil it following the instructions on the packet. Slice the mushroom after your taste and then fry them in a pan with some butter on medium/high heat. 

When the pasta is done boiling, and drained of  water and the mushroom has been fried according to your taste add them into the pot with the pasta and along with the creme fraiche, pesto and spices.  

Stir it and heat on log heat and then serve! It's super simple and super tasty! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

During my absence

I would like to start off with saying sorry for my absence. Before easter there was a lot to do in school an then during easter I was visiting my parents in an other town and wasn't responsible for the food we were eating. When I then returned home to my apartment I became ill.. However there is one thing that I have been enjoying a lot during these weeks off. and that is avocado on bread with different toppings!

These are some things you could use!

lime juice

It's really simple you just boil the egg to your liking, slice some tomato and then mash the avocado. Put everything on a slice of bread and enjoy something really good!

During my leave I did this several times, and during easter when there was a lot of leftovers such as salmon and lamb and other good stuff I used those things as toppings. My favorite to have with the avocado is tomato since it complements the creamyness of the avocado. Except the examples below you can also add tuna, smoked salmon (instead of boiled). other types of yummy fish, shredded cooked chicken, ham or other kinds of meat. Different veggies are nice too, onion, shallots or other things alike! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poor Knights

It's the end of the month and your bread is stale and you only have a few things and low on cash. In Sweden this dish is called fattiga riddare, direct translation is poor knights. This is what you need: 

a few slices of bread, stale and dry doesn't matter

How much milk and eggs you need is depending on the amont of breadslices. 2 eggs and 2 dl of milk works batter for about 4-5 slices of bread.

Start by mixing milk and egg in a bowl or alike in which you can dip the bread. I decided to gut the edges off of my bread and make breadsticks out of them. Dip the edges in the batter so that they are completely soaked. Place them in a pan with some butter and fry them for about 2-3 min or until they get some nice color all over, remember to flip them so all sides get some heat. 

When they are done roll them in some sugar and cinnamon and you can have them as a sweet dessert later on.

After that it's time to do the poor knights. Dip the edgeless slices of bread into the batter until they are completely soaked, and then put them in a pan on medium high heat. Fry them for about 3-5 min on each side so that they get some nice color. When they are done plate it and serve with some frozen or fresh berries of some kind! 

I chose raspberries but you can easily take any other berry or maybe some jam!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Chicken burger with zucchini fries

I often prefer chicken over pork or beef, and I like to try out different alternatives for fries so today I decided to try to make chicken burgers with zucchini fries. It turned out really good so I wanted to share it with my viewers. This is what you need: 

~250g minced chicken (makes about 4 patties)
1 egg
1 shallot
~½ zucchini
1 tomato
1-2 buns
1 avocado
a few leaves of salad
potato starch
paprika powder
chilli powder
lime juice

Chop up the shallot and mix it with the minced chicken together with the egg and one tablespoon and some salt, paprika powder and some chili powder. Make them into patties and fry them off in some oil. Cut the zucchini into thin strips, put them in a bowl with some salt, paprika powder and 2-3 tablespoons of potato starch. 

I accidentally forgot to take a photo of this step but mix an avocado with some mayo, salt and lime juice to make a dressing for the burger. 

Fry the zucchini in a pan with quite a lot of oil, almost as if you'd deep fry them. Let them sit in the oil for almost 5-10 minutes depending on the strips. As they start to get some color all over they are done and will be crispy. When they are done let them dry off on some paper to remove the excess oil.

Assemble the burger with the bun, the avocado mix and the preferred veggies for a burger. I also decided to have a slice of cheese on mine. Enjoy a tasty chicken burger with some nice crispy zucchini fries!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chicken with fried potatoes and green pea sauce

This started as an experiment but ended as one of my tastiest dishes! This is what you need: 

1 chicken breast
2 dl green peas
1 dl frozen spinach
a few potatoes
1 shallot
2 small cloves of garlic
1 tbsp creme fraiche
1 slice of breas

Start by pitting the potatoes in a pan with water just covering them and some salt. Bring it to a boil and lower the heat so that the potatoes aren't hard boiling. Cut the chicken into bite size pieces and fry them in some butter together with a little bit of salt. 

Once the potatoes have finished cooking remove them from the water and slice them in halves, then fry them as well in a little bit of butter and salt. After that put the peas and spinach in some water and follow the packet instructions. I boiled the peas and the spinach together for a few minutes. 

When the peas are done cooking remove them from the water, chop up the shallot, and one of the cloves of garlic. Put them in a pan and fry them off for just a minute or two so that they get a bit fragrant. Put the peas and the spinach into the pan and remove from the heat. I used a stick blender to blend the peas, spinach, shallot and garlic together with the creme fraiche. If it's too thick you can add some water

Add salt and pepper to your taste. After that I decided to do some garlic bread, chop up the other garlic clove and then mix it with some butter and a little bit of salt, spread it on the bread and then fry it on both sides in a dry pan.

Alternatively you can do garlic bread in an oven if you have one! 

Plate it and enjoy some chicken with a great green creamy sauce.  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Quick avocado and tomato salad with feta

Avocado is one of the most delicious things I know of. It's got a lot of healthy oils, creamy and easy to pair with a lot of things. So today I decided to make a super easy avocado and tomato salad that can be served as a nice starter or an easy lunch. The things you need are:

a handful of cherry tomatoes
1 avocado
~ 75g feta
lime juice
pine nuts
green part of a spring onion

Start by putting some pine nuts in a dry pan. You're going to roast these off on medium/high heat until they get some color. You don't need to add any extra oil an these are really great if you are allergic to nuts because they are actually a seed. 

Once the pine nut is in a pan, they only need about a minute or two. Start cutting the tomatoes. I cut them in halves because I think that is enough but you can cut them into quarters if you want smaller pieces. Continue with the avocado and slice it into cubes, and then do the same with the feta. Chop up the parsley and the green part of the spring onion. This part has a mild flavor and is a great thing to use in a dish like this. 

Add it all into a bowl with some lime juice and, if you want, some salt, add in the pine nuts and give it a mix. You can eat it directly out of the bowl but I decided to plate it so it would look a bit nicer. 
Enjoy a healthy avocado and tomato salad with some feta and pine nuts!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Pesto and cheese filled chicken

This is a dish that you can play two ways, either you eat it with a nice salad or if you want to be a bit unhealthy you can eat it with fries or something along those lines. In any case this is for two people because I need lunch tomorrow :)
This is what you need

2 chicken filets
1 pack of bacon (~140 g)
2 tsp Philadelphia (cream cheese)
6 tsp pesto 
2 cloves of garlic
grated cheese

Start by mixing the cream cheese, pesto and grated cheese together in a bowl with a little salt. Slice an opening into the chicken and fill it with the pesto mix.

When  you've filled the chicken as much as you want wire the bacon around the filled chicken. Smash the garlic and slice it up a tiny bit. Place the chicken in a pan with a tiny splash of oil  and fry it on medium heat for about 15-20 min, flipping them over a few times so that they get fried on both sides. 

When the bacon and chicken is starting to get some color and you think that it's starting to get done you can slice in the thicker parts of the filet to see if its done. Remember any piece of chicken should never be pink when you've cooked it.

Serve it with a nice salad or what you prefer! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Super easy nachoplate

I'm sorry for being absent for a week but school is really catching up on me, and since I am a student, school always comes first. However I'm coming back with a really simple recipe. Nachos are the best, the combination of everything is so tasty and this one is super simple, this is what you need

~200 g minced meat
1-2 avocados depending on size
2 tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
1 shallot
nacho chips
grated cheese
sour cream
lime juice

Staart by putting the meat in a pan to fry it off. While that is getting fried you can start on the guacamole. Mince the shallot, garlic and one of the tomatoes and add it into a bowl together with the mashed avocado and lime juice. Add about 1 tablespoon of sour cream and some salt. Blend and you have an easy guac. When the meat has been cooked, add any flavor you like, I used a premixed blend for taco meat.

Arrange some nachos to cover a plate, spread out some meat and some grated cheese and put in a microwave for 2 minutes or until the cheese has melted. 

After that just tare some salad leaves apart, slice up the other tomato and add it onto the plate together with some sour cream and also some guacamole. Serve it and enjoy a super easy nachoplate!