Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poor Knights

It's the end of the month and your bread is stale and you only have a few things and low on cash. In Sweden this dish is called fattiga riddare, direct translation is poor knights. This is what you need: 

a few slices of bread, stale and dry doesn't matter

How much milk and eggs you need is depending on the amont of breadslices. 2 eggs and 2 dl of milk works batter for about 4-5 slices of bread.

Start by mixing milk and egg in a bowl or alike in which you can dip the bread. I decided to gut the edges off of my bread and make breadsticks out of them. Dip the edges in the batter so that they are completely soaked. Place them in a pan with some butter and fry them for about 2-3 min or until they get some nice color all over, remember to flip them so all sides get some heat. 

When they are done roll them in some sugar and cinnamon and you can have them as a sweet dessert later on.

After that it's time to do the poor knights. Dip the edgeless slices of bread into the batter until they are completely soaked, and then put them in a pan on medium high heat. Fry them for about 3-5 min on each side so that they get some nice color. When they are done plate it and serve with some frozen or fresh berries of some kind! 

I chose raspberries but you can easily take any other berry or maybe some jam!

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