Monday, March 2, 2015

Pesto and cheese filled chicken

This is a dish that you can play two ways, either you eat it with a nice salad or if you want to be a bit unhealthy you can eat it with fries or something along those lines. In any case this is for two people because I need lunch tomorrow :)
This is what you need

2 chicken filets
1 pack of bacon (~140 g)
2 tsp Philadelphia (cream cheese)
6 tsp pesto 
2 cloves of garlic
grated cheese

Start by mixing the cream cheese, pesto and grated cheese together in a bowl with a little salt. Slice an opening into the chicken and fill it with the pesto mix.

When  you've filled the chicken as much as you want wire the bacon around the filled chicken. Smash the garlic and slice it up a tiny bit. Place the chicken in a pan with a tiny splash of oil  and fry it on medium heat for about 15-20 min, flipping them over a few times so that they get fried on both sides. 

When the bacon and chicken is starting to get some color and you think that it's starting to get done you can slice in the thicker parts of the filet to see if its done. Remember any piece of chicken should never be pink when you've cooked it.

Serve it with a nice salad or what you prefer! 

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