Saturday, February 14, 2015

♥ Banana valentine ♥

Today is valentines day and something that is nice to start the day with is pancakes! Super easy ones are banana pancakes! Since you should celebrate valentines with an other person this recipe is calculated for two people, and this is what you need: 

2-3 bananas depending on size, if they are small use 3
4 eggs
100 g white chocolate
vanilla ice cream 
heart shaped sprinkles

This recipe isn't very healthy, given that it's served with both ice cream and chocolate. However the pancakes themselves are really easy to make and doesn't contain any excess sugar except for what's in the banana. Start with mashing the bananas into a bowl. Mix in the eggs and mix to an even batter.

Put some oil or butter into a pan, you can also use coconut butter in the pan if you want to, it adds some nice extra taste. Fry them in a pan on medium/high heat just like you would with regular pancakes and turn them over once to fry on both sides. 

When they are done place them on a plate. Melt the withe chocolate in a micro wave or in a hot water bath. Place some ice cream on the pancakes, drizzle the white chocolate over the pancakes and finish of with sprinkling some heart shaped sprinkles over the pancakes. 

Enjoy and serve your company a sweet valentines breakfast! 

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