Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Super easy nachoplate

I'm sorry for being absent for a week but school is really catching up on me, and since I am a student, school always comes first. However I'm coming back with a really simple recipe. Nachos are the best, the combination of everything is so tasty and this one is super simple, this is what you need

~200 g minced meat
1-2 avocados depending on size
2 tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
1 shallot
nacho chips
grated cheese
sour cream
lime juice

Staart by putting the meat in a pan to fry it off. While that is getting fried you can start on the guacamole. Mince the shallot, garlic and one of the tomatoes and add it into a bowl together with the mashed avocado and lime juice. Add about 1 tablespoon of sour cream and some salt. Blend and you have an easy guac. When the meat has been cooked, add any flavor you like, I used a premixed blend for taco meat.

Arrange some nachos to cover a plate, spread out some meat and some grated cheese and put in a microwave for 2 minutes or until the cheese has melted. 

After that just tare some salad leaves apart, slice up the other tomato and add it onto the plate together with some sour cream and also some guacamole. Serve it and enjoy a super easy nachoplate!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

♥ Banana valentine ♥

Today is valentines day and something that is nice to start the day with is pancakes! Super easy ones are banana pancakes! Since you should celebrate valentines with an other person this recipe is calculated for two people, and this is what you need: 

2-3 bananas depending on size, if they are small use 3
4 eggs
100 g white chocolate
vanilla ice cream 
heart shaped sprinkles

This recipe isn't very healthy, given that it's served with both ice cream and chocolate. However the pancakes themselves are really easy to make and doesn't contain any excess sugar except for what's in the banana. Start with mashing the bananas into a bowl. Mix in the eggs and mix to an even batter.

Put some oil or butter into a pan, you can also use coconut butter in the pan if you want to, it adds some nice extra taste. Fry them in a pan on medium/high heat just like you would with regular pancakes and turn them over once to fry on both sides. 

When they are done place them on a plate. Melt the withe chocolate in a micro wave or in a hot water bath. Place some ice cream on the pancakes, drizzle the white chocolate over the pancakes and finish of with sprinkling some heart shaped sprinkles over the pancakes. 

Enjoy and serve your company a sweet valentines breakfast! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

3 sweet yummy smoothies

Since I've been away for a bit and not uploading so much I decided to make it up to you by uploading three recipes in one. All of these three are yummy smoothies that are somewhat healthy! The three different ones are Mango-Orange-Mint, Kiwi-Cucumber-Lime and lastly Papaya-Orange-Lime

All of these three are really yummy and the ingredients are: 

1 mango 
½ orange
some mint leaves
½ dl milk
2 tablespoon scoops vanilla ice cream

2 kiwi fruits
¼ cucumber
½ lime
½ dl milk
2 tablespoon scoops vanilla ice cream

½ papaya
1 orange
½ lime
1 dl milk
2 tablespoon scoops vanilla ice cream

For the Mango-Orange-Mint one start by peeling the mango and remove the stone, slice it into smaller pieces. Peel the orange, make sure there are as little of the white part left of the orange. My recommendation is that you use a knife to slice it. Tare some mint leaves in half. I used about 5-6 leaves, but it is a bit depending on how strong you want the flavour of them to be.

Add it all into a blender, together with the milk and the ice cream and blend until smooth! Serve with a sprig of mint and enjoy!

For the Kiwi-Cucumber-Lime one start by peeling the kiwi, I know that you can eat the peel, but it doesn't taste so good in the smoothie. Cut the kiwi fruits into smaller pieces. Continue doing the same with the cucumber, only you don't have to peel that one.

Add it all into a blender together with the juice of ½ lime and the milk and the ice cream and blend until smooth. Since the kiwi seeds are going in there as well the drink might be a bit grainy but that doesn't change the wonderful fresh taste. Serve with a lime wedge and enjoy! 

For the last, Papaya-Orange-Lime one start by cutting the papaya in half, you can store the other half in some cling-film in the fridge for 1-2 days. Cut the papaya into smaller pieces. Peel the orange, as previously mentioned it might be easier using a knife.

Put it all into a blender together with the lime juice of ½ lime. Lime and papaya works wonderfully together since papaya only has a mild flavor. The lime helps bring that flavor out. Add the milk and the ice cream and blend until smooth. Since papaya is quite a hard fruit the drink might turn out slightly grainy, however, the tropical flavour of the drink is well worth it. Serve and enjoy

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Eomuk bokkeum - Stirfired fishcakes

One of the things you can use the fishcakes for is this recipe, it's really tasty and simple, quick to make. This is what you need.

3-5 fishcakes, depending on size, mine were kind of small so I used five
1 medium sized carrod
½ onion
1 clove of garlic
½ tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp sugar
chili powder
(thai basil - optional)

Start by slicing the fishcakes into slices. Peel and cut the carrot into slices as well and also cut the onion into thin slices. Put some oil into a pan and heat up on medium/high heat. Put all of the sliced goods into it together with a finely chopped garlic clove.

Season with soy sauce, and sugar, add the chili powder depending on how hot you want the dish to be. The sugar will help the dish to get a bit of glaze and also sweeten it up a bit of course. This is optional but if you want to you can add some thai basil chopped finely, last just to add some extra flavor. Serve it with some rice and I added some salad leaves on the side. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Lazy tuna sandwich

Lazy sandwiches are the best. Even better if it is healthy right? This one is super simple and here are the ingredients;

½ can of tuna
½ avocado 
1 dl creme fraiche
1 tbsp mayo 
leftover spring onion, or ½ spring onion
1 slice of toasted bread

Start by toasting the bread, you want ti to have the crisp feel but not be too hot. Continue with chopping the spring onion into smaller pieces, then blend it together with the tuna, creme fraiche, mayo, salt and lime juice. Chop up some tomato slices and slice the avocado as well and then just ad everything along with the salad on the bread. I started by spreading a thin layer of the mixture on the bread before placing the salad, because I like to believe that that helps it to not slip around so much when you try to eat it!

Super easy and  YUM  

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mango fusion - Mango marinated meat with mangosalad

Mango is one of my favorite fruits, but so fat I've only eaten it in a dessert-like manner. So I decided to go a bit further by marinating some meat and have it with a salad. This is what you need. 

ca 150 g bone free pork chop
1/3 mango
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
lime juice
a few leaves of thai basil 

Chop the mango, and thai basil into small pieces. Blend it together with the rest of the ingredients. Put the meat in a plastic bag and pour the marinade into it as well. If you want to you can skip the coriander, as I know that not all like the taste of it. Let the meat marinate for at least 30 min so that the sweetness of the mango infuses the meat. 

When the meat has been left to rest for a while put it in a dry pan on medium/high heat. fry it for abotu 3-5 min on each side depending on how thick the meat is, or until it the meat gets some nice color. While the meat is cooking start with the salad. What you need is 

1/3 cucumber
1/2 mango
1/2 avocado

Slice evrything up, plate it and enjoy. The meat is sweet and a bit savory, and works great with the salad. The avocado and the mango counters each other great and it tastes wonderful!