Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Breadless green burger

Burgers are great, but sometimes it can be a bit much with bread. However thats not a problem, just switch out the bread for some salad. This recipe is for one person and this is what you need

Pre-made burgers, now this might be cheating but I made these a couple of days ago, recipes for those will be coming up later, but in any case you can use pre-made ones from a store that you just fry up
½ pack of bacon slices (about 70g)
grated cheese
1 avocado
handful of rocket salad leaves
1 mushroom
1 spring onion

Start by slicing 1/4th of the bacon in to small pieces. Put all of the bacon in a frying pan and fry it until it suits your taste. Put it on some paper to drain of the extra fat. Mash an avocado and dice a spring onion and mix them together. If you want to you can drizzle some lime juice in the mixture as well to prevent the avocado to turn brown. 

Slice the mushroom into thin slices and place them in a pan with some oil or butter, fry them until they get some color. Add the rocket salad into the pan and heat up for just 30 sec to 1 min so that it gets warm. 

Place the burgers in a pan and heat them up, put some cheese on them so that it melts and then plate it and enjoy!

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