Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fish cakes (eomuk)

I've had something similar to this a few years back at a friends brothers birthday party. I thought these would be harder to make but when got my hands on the recipe it didn't look too difficult so I decide to make them myself. Fish cakes are a great snack and you can keep them in the fridge or freezer and use them for multiple other recipes. In the original recipe you're supposed yo use squid. However I'm not a big fan of squid so I used crab sticks instead. This is what you need;

200g white fish (cob, hoki or something alike)
100 g peeled and deveined shrimp
50g crab sticks
3 tbsp flour
3 tbsp potato starch
2 spring onions
1 clove of garlic
1 eggwhite
1 tbsp oil

food processor

Chop the fish, shrimp, crap sticks, garlic and onion into smaller pieces and mix it all in a food processor together with the flour, starch, salt, pepper, sugar and eggwhite. Mix it for 1-2 min until it turns into a smooth paste. Pour about 7 dl of rapeseed oil into a pot, or a pan with high edges, and heat it up to about 180 C. 

Take a knife and a spatula spread out some of the mix on the spatula and then fold the mix from the back to the front of the spatula so that it forms a tiny sausage on the end go the spatula. 

Fry the fishcake until it gets some color, it should just take a few minutes, and you want them to have the color as it shows in the picture beneath. Once the fishcake has turned golden brown lift it up from the oil and place it somewhere for it to drain, either on a paper towel or in a strainer. 

When the fishcake has had some rest and the excess oil has drained off you can serve them as you with some salad and herbs, or you can use them in soups or stir fries. In any case they taste great and is definitely is one of my favorite snacks, even if it some work behind them. You can make a big batch and keep them in the freezer for later use

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Couscous salad with meat

This is something you can whip up really quickly. All you need are some vegetables and leftover meat. If you are a vegan or vegetarian you can just skip the meat and go for mushrooms, beans or lentils instead. This is what I used for a recipe for one:

1 dl couscous
1/3rd cucumber
1/3rd red paprika
1-2 spring onions
1 avocado
pak choi
1 tbsp sour cream
leftover meat

Start with cooking the couscous, follow the instructions on the package. While that is boiling start chopping the vegetables, everything except the asparagus and the avocado. Put all of it in a large bowl. When the couscous is off the heat and let it cool. While that is cooling chop up the asparagus and put it in a pan with the meat if you have some, if you don't just fry up the asparagus in some oil until it gets some color.

While you're letting the meat cool mash the avocado together with some sour cream, salt ans lime juice. Plate it and serve, super easy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chicken quesadillas with cucumber salad

The funny thing with cucumber salad is that it looks like so much more than it actually is. Paired with quesadillas it's great because it's fresh and in a way it counters the bread in the quesadilla. This recipe is counted for one person an this is what you need;

For the chicken:
chicken, about 150g or so
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp worchestershire sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree
black pepper
paprika powder
lime juice

For the rest: 
2 tortilla breads
1 dl mashed tomatoes (canned)
1 dl grated cheese
½ red paprika
½ cucumber
lime zest
lime juice
sour cream

Start by marinating the chicken. I recommend doing this 15 min before you start to cook it, but the longer it's allowed to marinate the better. Fry the chicken until it's well cooked through, which is for about 10 min. Take the chicken away from the stove and let it cool while you mix mashed tomatoes and the grated cheese into a bowl. Pull the chicken into pieces and mix it together with the tomato an cheese mix. Place one of the tortillas on a flat surface and spread out the filling, and then place the other tortilla over it.

Put the uncooked quesadilla in a dry pan and place it on the stove on medium/high heat. After about 3-5 min you can use a spatula to see if the tortilla has started to get any color, if it has - flip it over. If it hasn't let it be for a few more minutes until you flip it. 

Whilst the quesadilla is cooking start with the salad. Take the cucumber and shave it so that you get long thin strips. I found it easier to split the cucumber in half length-wise as well. Take your red paprika and slice it into thin slices, and thats about all you have to do with your cucumber salad. 

Plate everything and drizzle some lime juice over the salad. Garnish the quesadillas with some sour cream and lime zest and voilĂ 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Breadless green burger

Burgers are great, but sometimes it can be a bit much with bread. However thats not a problem, just switch out the bread for some salad. This recipe is for one person and this is what you need

Pre-made burgers, now this might be cheating but I made these a couple of days ago, recipes for those will be coming up later, but in any case you can use pre-made ones from a store that you just fry up
½ pack of bacon slices (about 70g)
grated cheese
1 avocado
handful of rocket salad leaves
1 mushroom
1 spring onion

Start by slicing 1/4th of the bacon in to small pieces. Put all of the bacon in a frying pan and fry it until it suits your taste. Put it on some paper to drain of the extra fat. Mash an avocado and dice a spring onion and mix them together. If you want to you can drizzle some lime juice in the mixture as well to prevent the avocado to turn brown. 

Slice the mushroom into thin slices and place them in a pan with some oil or butter, fry them until they get some color. Add the rocket salad into the pan and heat up for just 30 sec to 1 min so that it gets warm. 

Place the burgers in a pan and heat them up, put some cheese on them so that it melts and then plate it and enjoy!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lime chicken with roasted vegetables

Chicken is one of the best things I know, sorry vegans and vegetarians, but in all honesty that is in my opinion a better meat to eat. Pairing it with roasted veggies is great! This meal is calculated for one person an this is what you need: 

For the chicken:
enough chicken for one person, you can make more and just freeze it later on
2-3 spring onions chopped up
lime juice from ½ lime
3 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp worchestershire sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce 

Depending on how much chicken you are using you might need to adjust the measurements for the marinade. For this recipe I used about 200g chicken

For the veggies
broccoli (as much as you like)
2 carrots 
3 asparagus stems
lime juice

You can garnish with some lime zest

Marinate the chicken and let it stand in the fridge for about 15 minutes, the longer it stands the better, but if you don't want to/have time to wait then 15 min is recommended at least. Put the chicken, with the marinade into a pan and place it on the stove for about 10-15 min, or until they get some color on medium/high heat, turn them occasionally.  Meanwhile peel the carrots and wash the asparagus. 

When the chicken have finished put it on some paper to drain of the excess oil. You can also cook the chicken in an oven for 15-20 min on 175 C. I dont own an oven so I used a pan instead.

To roast the veggies, place them in a dry non-stick pan on high heat for about 5 min. Stir occasionally. I prefer my veggies to be a bit crisp still, but if you want them softer you can place them on medium/high heat for about 10 min instead, or you can steam them if you have a steamer.

After that just plate it, drizzle some lime juice over the veggies and garnish it with some lime zest!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sweetpotato soup

One of my most requested recipe is this one, and honestly it's much simpler than it looks! As a student one of the most important thing is that I want most of the meals I eat to be simple and cheap. This recipe is for one person and this is what you need:

1 small/medium sweet potato
1 dl creme fraiche 
½ cube of chicken or meat stock
some lime juice
some spring onion 

(avocado for garnish)

Start by peeling and slicing the potato into smaller pieces. Put them in a pot and fill it with water so that it just covers the potatoes and crumble half of a stock cube into the water. Put it on the stove and bring it to a boil and then let it simmer until the potato pieces turn soft. 

When the potatoes have turned soft pour them into the mixer together with 1 dl of creme fraiche and mix it until its smooth. Pour the soup back into the pot and put it on low heat. Squeeze some in lime juice and season with salt and thyme.

Slice up some spring onion and some avocado for garnish!

Brownie in a mug

This is a bit awkward seeing as this blog is called student eats green, and the first post that I put up here is a brownie in a mug... Which most would argue isn't very green... In any case This is what you need:

6 tbsp flour
6 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp cocoa
3 tbsp oil (olive or w/e)
4 tbsp water

Ice cream

What you have to do next is pretty simple, put everything in the mug and mix. After that place the mug in the microwave for about 1,5 minutes and it's done!