Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Long time no see

Hello readers!
I know I have been very absent from this blog for almost a year, but I have decided to take a new step and try and be more active again!

This is what has happened while I have been gone:
School took the best of me. I have been very stressed with school since May 2015. I have during this time also been moving, and working a lot. Basically I have been focusing on keeping my head above the water for a long time.

During this time I have also met a guy. A wonderful person who I'm now sharing my every day with. This means that I have picked up my love for cooking again as well since I have someone close by that appreciates it every day.

While I've been gone I have also gone from being vegan to pescetarian and then back to eating meats again. This is mainly because I felt that going fully vegan didn't work out too well for me. I felt tired a lot and it was mainly because I didn't get the right nutrients and proteins that I needed. So I went back to eating some meat, which turned out to be great. Then when I met the hubby it became clear to me that he was too much of a meat lover so I decided that.. meh.. as long as I keep healthy and cheap, then what does it matter for me personally.

This will happen in the future:
Mainly focusing on the blog I will try to upload once or twice a week. The only thing is that this time I will be making some changes on the format of the posts that I am making. This is mainly because its a bit more time-saving and I can work on making a better description rather than having a lot of pictures.

This means that progress pictures on the blog won't be as many, I might shoot a few but I will not shoot as many as my previous posts have had. Instead I will be focusing on writing the process instead. This is to save time and for me to be able to be a bit more effective in my work.

I hope these changes will be good and if you have any objections please leave a comment!