Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Steamed veggies with flavored rice and homemade tomato salsa (vegan)

This is something that I wanted to test out, it turned out great! This is what you need 


Start with putting the rice to boil. I added thyme and a bit of lemon juice to the water along with some salt. Then just follow the instructions on the package for how to boil the rice. Peel the carrots and cut them up to your liking and put them in your steamer together with the rest of the veggies. cut the chili into pieces, removing the seeds and place them with the rest of the veggies in the steamer over some boiling water with salt. Let them steam for about 10-15 minutes depending on how soft you want the carrots and the other veggies. 

To make the salsa you need 
1-2 tomatoes
spring onions
a tiny bit of sugar
lemon juice
and olive or any other vegetable oil

Cut the tomatoes and the spring onion into small pieces and put them in a bowl together with the restof the ingrediens and then mix well.

Place the rice and the steamed veggies. I places the chili on the rice for some garnish and to add flavor. Add the salsa to the plate and enjoy a fully vegan dinner.
Super yummy!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Yogurt with berries

Lately I've been swamped in school but in my absence I've been enjoying some light lunches and dinners. This is a popular one, you see it on instagram and other sites and it's really easy actually. There are several variations of this and it all depends on what fruits and berries you like. I used this:

chia seeds

Just slice the fruits and add them to the yogurt. you can use apples, pears, other kinds of berries and other fruits. I find bananas to be one of my favorites.